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Service issues have been detected at Otterington Holiday Park

We are aware of a fault affecting broadband and phone services at "Otterington Holiday Park"

Investigation has begun and we are working with the park to get the issues resolved as soon as possible.

Please do not reset your equipment during this time.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

The fault at Otterington Holiday Park has been marked as resolved.

If you are still experiencing issues, please contact our support team on 01227 668901.

All services at Otterington Holiday Park have been restored.

We are monitoring closely for any further issues.

We have been chasing Openreach daily but so far have not been given any clear indication of the progress of this fault. The latest time frame we have been given for the next update is 2/8/2024. We are continuing to chase in the hope that this can be progressed quicker.

Apologies for the continued inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Openreach teams are still investigating the fibre fault. They have suggested that further update should be available by 18/07/24

We have been advised that there is a suspected Fibre Break affecting the connection into the park.

Engineers are working on resolving the fault , but may be a few days before complete rectification of the line occurs and connections are back online

Apologies for any inconvenience caused during this outage